An Interview With Linda Ferreri, author of The Matter Of The Crown

Being a part of the Blog Tour hosted by Rachel's Random Resources, I got the chance to interview Author Linda Ferreri, the creator of the absolutely amazing novel, The Matter Of The Crown! 

Without further ado, I present to you my conversation with the amazing creative author, Linda Ferreri! 

Q. First of all, we'd love to know more about you!

A. I'm kind of quiet about myself, hoping the books get the attention rather than the author. But I know the world in which we live and that authors have to come out of the shadows.  I am possibly over-educated in the humanities.  I studied Latin and Greek for what seemed to be centuries, then art history for 5 years at university after my undergraduate degree, and then became a lawyer. So after forever in school, my career has been art law, until  I turned myself into a full-time author.  I was general counsel of a large art foundation, and of an auction house, and did some consulting for UNESCO. I've been all around the world with art and the law.  It's a fascinating topic. I travel a lot and my education has brought all of the places that I visit vividly to life for me.

As you can probably tell from the book, I'm American with a life in both the US and Italy. I love them both but I consider myself very very fortunate to be able to live and write in the beautiful Marche part of Italy. It really does inspire me.

Q. When I read The Matter of The Crown, I felt as if I was reading a classic novel, writing style-wise. Was that your intention or is that just your style?
Either way, I loved it!

A. Well thank you! It's both, actually.   My favorite writers are long dead and I quite love the proper turn of a phrase. There is so much to do with this lovely language of ours. I see this story as a film. It's always been like that for me.  I see like a story being told by a narrator to the audience in a movie theater watching the gorgeous scenery and the amazing Crown itself. It told itself to me in a very  old-fashioned way. It's only fair to say, however, that the old-fashionedness of my style in the book is part of the history involved.

Q. The Matter Of The Crown features so many characters! Who was the most fun to write? 

. The most fun to craft was the Contessa but my personal favorite is Baldo.  One of my friends is eager to see her back in a new book.  I say Baldo 'is' because he's back, in the book I'm writing now.

Q. In a sentence, how would you describe your writing experience for The Matter of The Crown? 

A. I knew who the characters were at the very start when the idea came to me; once I began typing, they took over and wrote the story themselves.   I was the typist on an exciting free ride with them.

Q. There are a lot of historical references in this book. Being an Art Historian, was writing this book easy for you? Or did you still end up doing a ton of research? 

A. I still did quite a lot of research, but I loved it.  Of course, I know all about the fabulous Crown of the Andes and didn't have to do too much research about it.  I know it exceptiionally well.  I played with the truth a bit, as I think an author may do.  The bits about Mary, mother of Jesus, and the great Cathedral at Loreto took a bit more research. But I love doing that part.   I'm doing it again for this new book. 

Q. Who is your favorite character in The Matter of The Crown? And why?

A. I hate saying this because of things that become obvious once you have read the book, but Alfred is a powerful character and as such he is one of my favorites. I had a vision of one particular actor in mind while I was writing Alfred.  It was a powerful influence on who he is.   Dare I say more here without spoiling the story for readers?  I think not.

Baldo is quite different, of course, and I loved developing him. Actually, he is modeled after someone I know, not physically but in other respects.   I am very fond of his sincerity and his depth.   There was a single conversation with the man I know who inspired Baldo, and then the character himself talked to me one evening. The story just got running.

Q. You've written another book featuring The Crown of Andes, haven't you? What prompted you to write another novel about it? 

A. The first novel entitled One Sacred Crown was inspired by actual events.  It grew out of my earliest introduction to the Crown of the Andes, itself.  Writing it was important to me, but the story has nothing to do with a theft.  I had that story “in me” so to speak, and it just had to be written.  Dare I say that writing it was therapeutic for me?   This novel, The Matter of the Crown, was the one that was oh-so-obvious...the theft of a gorgeous and valuable object.   A theft is always exciting for not only the readers but the author. I knew that story would be written. Once I knew that the Metropolitan Museum of Art would become the safe new home of the Crown, I was free to release a story about its theft.  I wouldn't do it early.  Too frightening!!

Q. Being an aspiring writer myself, I get novel ideas at the strangest of times. Did that ever happen with you? If yes, care to share the moment with us?

A. Yes indeed! They often come in the middle of the night for me.  They come during quiet times. Something will dance across my mind and poke me in the eye and say “ about this?”   It just happened the other day with the book I'm writing.  I have learned to trust my imagination and the power of those creative urges. They always come and they will come, and sure enough they do, right when I need them most.

Q. Other than writing, what are your hobbies? Do you read a lot? Who's your favorite author?

A. I love to knit and to grow roses.   Actually, I'm crazy about both of those. But yes indeed, I love to read.  My favorite authors, over time, have been Thackery, Trollope, Jane Austen, and Henry James.  I love them all and their powerful characters.   Once they develop those people, then it is so exciting for me to see how they handle what life throws at them.

Q. Any upcoming books we should be looking out for?

A. Yes, there is one in the typewriter.   Baldo and Claire are back, but this one begins in Philadelphia. I quite like this story, too. And there is another work of art involved.  It lacks the spiritual component of the Crown books, but has other special aspects.

I'll be waiting for that one! Thank You for spending your precious time for answering my questions! I wish you the best of luck for all of your upcoming books! 

Read my review of the book here.


Linda Ferreri is a well known art lawyer and author, and she lectures often around the world.

Her first novel about the Crown of the Andes,  One Sacred Crown, was published in 2009.  Now you can follow the heroine through this chilling finale in The Matter of the Crown set in New York City and Le Marche, Italy.

Linda Ferreri writes thrillers, and whimsical books  including novellas.  Her drawings are well known illustrations.  Her short, beautifully illustrated iBooks  and her novella The King of UNINI are much loved by all. 

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